Broker Incentives - Forex Trading Education


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Forex Brokers That Offer Trading Education and Incentives Should Be Every Forex Trader’s Dream

According to data from multiple liquidity providers in the Forex industry, 90% of traders lose money; and this is a conservative estimate.

As a broker, the goal is to keep your traders on your platform for as long as possible for a few reasons. First, if they are profitable they will continue trading and continue paying commissions which leads to more business for the brokerage and a community of happy traders. Secondly, it encourages them to share their success with those close to them where they will recommend their broker of choice.

At Dominion Markets, we strongly believe that an educated trader is a profitable trader, and a profitable trader is our best promoter. Here’s how we incentivize the use of our platform.

Digital Magic Keys

We’ve partnered with Digital Magic Keys to provide our traders with the hardware and software to manage risk like the pros. Using their commissions, traders at Dominion Markets can now manage their risk to make better decisions before entering their positions – a broker incentive that can’t be found with any other broker in the market. Using simple key strokes on the trading pad, traders are able to perform all tasks needed to make trading as stress free as possible.

More Earning Potential

Trading is like a game, however, the consequences of your actions are permanent. That’s why Dominion Markets wants to reward those who have gotten better and have proven themselves in the market. Using our Leaderboard, top traders gain access to others who want to leverage the knowledge of a specific trader for their benefit. Not only does this promote more earnings for traders, it rewards skilled traders with a set percentage of that commission.

If you’re a Forex trader and you want to make the most of your trading, make sure you identify a broker who invests in your success. Brokers are not obligated to try and help you beyond providing you with spreads that are competitive. At Dominion Markets, our expectation is that if we take care of you, you’ll be capable of taking better care of yourself. Take advantage of these broker incentives and you’ll level up in no time.